147 people on file

M Duncan Kemp

Born on 28/01/1871 at Stewart Street, West Calder, Edinburgh, Scotland
Birth Certificate
Died on 20/10/1891
Son of James Kemp (14/03/1842 - 10/07/1911) and Isabella McDonald (25/08/1844 - 27/04/1890)
F Mary Ann Kemp (03/01/1865 - 08/05/1909)
F Marion Kemp (Born 19/02/1874)
F Elizabeth Kemp (01/01/1876 - 25/01/1922)
M John Kemp (01/01/1878 - 08/07/1940)
M Alexander Kemp (Born 01/01/1880)
M James Kemp (Born 01/01/1882)

Census Details

Year Schedule Address Condition Age Profession Place of Birth Details
1871 (British Isles) full details
Scotland's People
Stewart Street, West Calder unmarried 1 West Calder, Edinburgh
1881 (British Isles) full details Wee Dublin, Mackenzie Street, East Greenock, Renfrew, Scotland unmarried 10 West Calder, Edinburgh, Scotland Son


Death cert has incorrect details of his parents, but reported by \'an acquaintance\' so probably not reliable. No other Duncan Kemp found that matches that death cert, so currently attributing it to Duncan pending verification. According to the correction to the Register of Corrected Entries he was single and employed as a house painter. He died by accidental drowning on \"Oct 20 1891. In the River Leven near to the bridge of the Forth & Clyde Railway at Jamestown in the Parish of Bonhill, Dunbartonshire\". His address was given as 68 Back Street, Renton. His father was shown as deceased (but still alive) and his mother recorded as Annabella McDonald or Kemp (deceased). This from the Procurator Fiscal\'s Office dated Nov 16 1891. Buried in Old Kilpatrick Cemetery, Section 37, Lair 22, poss on 2nd November 1891.

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